Our Program

Suzuki in the Home and Studio

Parents are involved in creating a rich musical environment and serve as “home teachers.” They play repertoire recordings daily, take notes at lessons, share partner lessons, attend concerts and make music a positive priority woven into the family life and structure.

The early years are crucial in developing mental processing and muscle coordination.

Listening begins at birth.  Formal training may begin as early as three or four years.

Repetition of small steps with sincere praise and encouragement allows mastery and cultivates a  positive attitude.

The musically rich environment at home is supported in the lesson through observation of other students, class lessons, ensemble playing, performance opportunities and attending concerts.

Technique is integral to the graded standard repertoire and becomes the musical artist’s tools for creating beauty in sound.

Reading music, an essential skill, is approached at a developmentally appropriate time and manner. Ears before eyes at first. Milestones are carefully distributed throughout the program providing incentive for reaching reading, theory and performance achievements.